Tuesday 18 October 2022

The Pretty Great Shift - Brother TG Swap

   I don’t know if we’re the unluckiest men in the world or the luckiest. Me and my brother were hiking the Canadian Rockies in late fall when we got caught in an avalanche. I took a powdering and twisted an ankle, while Liam took the brunt of it. He was swept off a ridge, breaking his legs and likely worse.
“Don’t bother,” he groaned as I started digging him out of the snow drift. “I’m going nowhere like this.”
“You kidding? I’m only digging you out so you can carry me down,” I joked weakly, forcing a smile. I knew things were bad. Even if I dug him out, he was a big guy then, there was no way I could lift him.
“Just leave me.” His eyelids drooped. The snow around him was turning bloody pink terrifyingly fast.
“You’ll be fine. A couple of bandaids and you’ll be fine.”
Then the darndest thing happened. It was like the world shifted. Where my battered brother had been a moment ago, a young woman lay, looking up at me, shivering as the cold air flowed into her loose-fitting clothing, but bright-eyed and bushy tailed, and with not a scratch on her.
“... Liam?”
“I’m hallucinating,” she murmured, staring at her hands before slipping them down the neck of her jacket to grope her tits. That was my brother alright. She wriggled her slim body easily out of the mold in the snow of a much larger man.
“You're not the only one,” I stared. “But if you can hallucinate and walk, I’ll take it.”
We got down from that mountain as fast as we could, not daring to acknowledge what had happened in case reality realized its mistake and corrected it. Liam was as agile as a gazelle as she scrambled from rock to rock. True to my word, she helped carry me the last few miles, slipping her slender form under my arm to take the weight off my twisted ankle.
We hunkered down in the survival cabin expecting help to come get us in a day or two. They never did. We later learned, upon returning to what was left of civilisation, that a thing called the Great Shift had knocked out most of the emergency services, and those that were left were too busy sorting out the chaos in the cities to worry about two idiots up a mountain.
We might have rationed our firewood better if we’d known we’d be there all winter. It was a bitter one. The winds howled, the snow piled up against the cabin door. Huddled tight together, sharing our body heat, we lasted a few months before our naturally impulses overrode our squeamishness. My fingers were blue, but at least my cock was warm inside him. When we were cold, we fucked. When we were horny, lonely and missing our girlfriends, we fucked. Mostly it was the tedium of the long dark. We fucked just to pass the time.
When the spring thaw finally came, Liam was far less gazelle-like as we descended to the valley, her arms wrapped protectively around her heavy abdomen. They'd stocked the cabin with everything for survival - condoms not included.

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